The Application process begins when the Candidates are in the 2nd form of the Secondary School (Liceum Ogólnolształcące). It starts with an advertisement on the BAS website listing all the schools which have agreed to offer BAS a place with a 100% bursary. The advertisement lists all requirements of the application process for the given year, including the deadline for applications and contains all downloadable documents and forms. It is important to always look for the current advertisement placed on the BAS website, because many details that can be found on the internet are out of date. BAS does not accept online applications.

The complete documentation, prepared in accordance with Rules published every year together with the Advertisement, is to be sent in paper form to the address indicated in the Advertisement

(Fundacja British Council,
ul. Koszykowa 54,
00-675 Warszawa)
with the envelope marked “Stypendia BAS”.

The Selection Committee confirms receipt of applications by individual e-mails and prepares a shortlist of invitations to the interview following an approved procedure. Invitations to the Interview, are sent individually by e-mail. No candidate lists are published on the website.

The Selection Committee confirms receipt of applications by individual e-mails and prepares a shortlist of invitations to the interview following an approved procedure. Invitations to the Interview, are sent individually by e-mail. No candidate lists are published on the website.
Our Facebook fan page Stypendia British Alumni Society informs what part of the process is presently ongoing, so Candidates who have not received a message from the Committee can follow up directly.

The selection interviews take place in Warsaw, not later than April the following year.

The selection Committee publishes the final lists of Laureates together with the scores achieved in the procedure on its website and social media. All other Finalists are notified of the results they have achieved by a letter, usually sent in September.

The nominees are then contacted by the schools and instructed about further steps. In particular, the schools may request an online interview with the Head or Director of Admissions. Following the results of the interviews the Schools will send the new scholars acceptance letters necessary to start the visa application.
