To support BAS
- Donate! We will be very grateful for a gift or a perhaps a regular monthly donation to our bank account. Even very small amounts will make a difference to what we can achieve.
BNP Paribas PL97160014621894732080000001
- Give us your 1,5% of income tax! BAS has OPP status since 2019 and in 2020 became eligible for the first time to receive 1,5% of income tax. You may find us on the list of eligible organisations here .…/wyszukiwar…/strona-glowna/index
- Support BAS when you are shopping via internet. BAS is registered on a FANIMANI platform. It means that when you internet shop via this agency, the sellers with donate to BAS a small percentage of the purchase value (you will be charged the same, regular price though). To see how it works, please see To register as BAS supporter, you may use this direct link
BAS does not receive support from any institution, Polish or British and relies heavily on voluntary work and generous help of some of our Partners. We have shown ourselves able to operate on a very modest budget. Still, expenses such as domain and server fees, anti-virus licences, admin and book keeping services connected to the OPP status are unavoidable. They are necessary if we are to continue the unique projects which make BAS community justly proud. Thank you for your support.